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CGR Tricot sponsors the 4L Trophy

CGR Tricot sponsors the 4L Trophy, a humanitarian vintage car rally to Morocco


After months of preparation, Léa and Pierre from CGR Tricot are ready to go! Their aged but well propped Renault 4L is already on its way to Biarritz at the French Atlantic coast where it will meet hundreds of other customized 4L type vintage cars and their young, excited drivers. Young because participants must be no older than 28 to join this rally-raid! Their vision? Join adventure with humanitarian spirit. Their mission? Deliver school and sports supplies to the poorest Moroccan children. Their goal? Reach Marrakech (Morocco) in time!

The 26th edition of the 4LTrophy, founded back in 1997 by Jean-Jacques Rey, starts on February 16th and ends on February 26th. The rally is held in cooperation with the French Red Cross and the association “Enfants du Desert” (Children of the Desert).

CGR Tricot is proud to sponsor this event and will send positive vibes to Léa and Peirre for this great adventure.

Wish you good luck Léa & Pierre! We will follow you on Facebook and Instagram #4elamigo

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