Advanced Research & Development
CGR’s STRAIN laboratory
Advanced spring designs often require a good deal of research and development, involving material sciences as well as process engineering. CGR International runs its own R&D laboratory to support the co-engineering activities of its production sites around the globe. The facility, labelled STRAIN (Spring Technology ReseArch Institute) has been set up in close cooperation with the Clement Ader Institute (CAI) and the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Toulouse. CGR’s STRAIN lab thus provides access to the highest level of academic resources.
Expertise in spring design
Applied science for the industry
STRAIN offers CGR’s industrial clients leading-edge R&D capacity which is unique in its genre. Moreover, the applied research programs carried out for multiple industrial applications are leading to numerous scientific publications. An award-winning new calculus for anticipating spring characteristics is among the most prominent outcomes. Other advanced research projects include the additive manufacturing of springs, the prevention of fatigue and breakdown, the optimization of the end coils and the (environmentally beneficial) reduction of overall spring mass.
Scientific publications
Papers and conferences
Julien Vaissette, Hervé Orcière, Catherine Mabru, Manuel Paredes (2024): Understanding Flexural and Tensile Moduli of Small Drawn Wires, Wire Forming Technology, pp74-78, Winter 2024.
Vaissette, J., Mabru, C., Paredes, M. & Orciere, H. (2021). Proposition d’une méthode de caractérisation des contraintes résiduelles dans les fils tréfilés de faible diamètre. Colloque national S.Mart. 31 mars - 2 avril 2021.
Paredes, M., Stephan, T., & Orciere, H. (2019). Enhanced formulae for determining the axial behavior of cylindrical extension springs. Mechanics & Industry, 20(6), 625.
Paredes, M., Stephan, T., & Orciere, H. (2019). Influence of Machine Loops on the Behavior of Extension Springs, Wire Forming Technology, pp38-41, Spring 2019.
Paredes, M., Stephan, T., & Orciere, H. (2019). Experimental and analytical approaches for Determining the Axial Behavior of Cylindrical Extension Springs, International Conference on Graphics Engineering, 19th -21st June 2019, Logroño.