Components for electrical engineering
Cold forming and overmolding
CGR excels in the low and medium voltage management segment. Our multi-material process know-how includes metal forming, polymer overmolding and automated assembly. We design, produce and assemble a wide variety of electrical and electromechanical components for industrial, public and household appliances, from manufacturing sites across the world that operate according to the same process methodology and standards to ensure consistent quality and continuous supply.

Parts and subassemblies
From co-design to automation
Our large spectrum of electromechanical components and sub-assemblies is co-engineered in close collaboration with our clients to fit specific technical requirements, reduce production cost and enhance reliability. Parts made and assembled by CGR can be found in micro-switches, switch disconnectors, thermal relays, surge protectors and other electrical equipment, supplying some of the biggest manufacturers of such devices.
Anticipating tomorrow’s needs
Agile organization
The market for power management and control is fuelled by major industrial and societal trends such as energy transition, digitalization, urbanization and industry 4.0. CGR’s global footprint, agile work organization and multi-material process knowledge will be fundamental to serve a rapidly evolving market. We strive to be a partner for co-engineering and serial production of advanced components and sub-assemblies, serving the needs of tomorrow’s markets.